Sample CAW Follow-up Meeting Agenda

A sample agenda of topics to be covered during a meeting with a partner after a CAW.

The purpose of the follow-up meeting goes back to the overall goal of a CAW: to help an organization jump-start their preservation efforts. The meeting gives the CAW organizers and partner(s) time to reflect on what they learned about the results and the process of the partnership. CAW organizers and partners discuss the experience of the CAW, what was gained from the community-based effort, and if and how their partnership together or with volunteers may continue. It is an opportunity for CAW organizers to help the partner understand what is revealed by the data collected and how that might be shaped into a preservation plan.

Download your own copy of the Follow-Up Agenda from ToT Google Drive.

Go to File > Download and choose the format you want: .PDF, .DOCX, .EPUB, etc.

Developed as part of the Community Archiving Workshop Training of Trainers, CAW_TOT_CUR.pdf, 2022.