Training of Trainers (TOT)
The Community Archiving Workshop (CAW) Training of Trainers (TOT) project was funded by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) with the generous support of the Association of Moving Image Archivists (AMIA). TOT aims to produce a series of regional workshops which will address the problem of obsolescence in audiovisual collections. The purpose of the TOT project pages is to promote regional networks, develop a TOT curriculum, and facilitate skill sharing for community archiving workshops everywhere. Explore the curricula, documentation, and resources within and across different regions and start planning a CAW in your community!
About Training of Trainers (TOT)
In April 2018, The Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) announced funding in support of The Community Archiving Workshop Training of Trainers (TOT), a project of the Association of Moving Image Archivists, in the production of a series of regional workshops which will address the problem of obsolescence in audiovisual collections. The project includes the development of an online toolkit that provides access to the TOT curriculum, documentation, and resources within and across regions.

Curricula provides a set of Curriculum Modules, which are brief descriptions for individual training sessions, and they are designed to be delivered in-person or remotely as webinars. Modules can be selected and organized into Agendas that are outlines for a complete training program. Both Modules and Agendas link to Trainer’s Notes that guide the trainers through the session. Resources, such as sample presentations, are available within Modules.
Documentation provides access to all posts, across all regions, related to specific workshops. It includes descriptions, personal experiences, reports, inventories, supply lists, images/slideshows, and other products created from a workshop.
Resources provides generalized resources and templates that can be used for many workshops, including handouts, inventory forms, and presentations. These files can be downloaded and modified for future workshops.
The overall goal of the Community Archiving Workshop (CAW) Training of Trainers (TOT) is to increase the skills and knowledge of participants so that they may plan and carry out CAWs with confidence. The more people organize CAWs, the more likely a diversity of historic collections will be saved and accessible.
The California Training of Trainers (CA TOT) was a model for regionally-based training funded by the Institute of Museum and Library Services. You can follow this example!
- Webinar #1 - Welcome and the CAW Concept
- CA TOT Webinar 1 Trainers - Notes NEED LINK
- CA TOT Webinar 1 Trainers - Presentation
- CA TOT Instructions to Participants NEED LINK
- CA TOT Homework for Webinar #2
- Sample CAW Memorandum of Understanding
- Webinar #2 - The CAW Collaboration
- On-site Training Day 1
- On-site Training Day 2
- On-site Training Day 3