Webinar 5: Disaster Preparedness

Presenter: Pamela Vadakan
In this session, participants learn the elements of disaster planning including assessing and mitigating risks (natural and manmade), setting priorities for salvage, and considering both immediate and long-term steps of emergency response and recovery, with a focus on saving audiovisual collections. Preparing a detailed disaster plan for your organization is a time-consuming and complex task that is beyond the scope of this session, but what you learn here will enable you to return to your organization and get started.



NEDCC Free Resources and Preservation Leaflets
COSTEP: Coordinated Statewide Emergency Preparedness Framework
 NEDCC Wildfire Resources for Cultural Heritage Organizations
dPlan: Online Disaster Planning Tool
Pocket Response Resource Template  from LYRASIS
IPI Quick Reference Storage Conditions for Mixed Media
Canadian Conservation Institute’s Agents of Deterioration
Salvage at a Glance
AIC Walkthrough Checklist
AIC Disaster Supplies Shopping List
NEDCC on-demand webinar: Salvaging Damaged Books Paper, and AV Collections
Emergency Response and Salvage Wheel ($18)

Disaster Hotlines
Northeast Document Conservation Center 24 hour Disaster Assistance Hotline (24/7)
(978) 470-1010

American Institute for Conservation National Heritage Responders (24/7):  
(202) 661-8068

First Actions
“First Actions for Film Tape and Discs”, AMIA

Motion Picture Film
“Emergency Preservation Programs”, NARA
“Disaster Recovery for Film in Flooded Area”, Mick Newnham, AMIA

Magnetic Media
“Data Mitigation and Recovery, Magnetic Media”, NARA

Damage Mitigation and Recovery, Magnetic Media
Peter Brothers

Grooved Discs
“Phonographic Discs”, NARA

Hard Drives
“Electronic Media, Hard Drives”, NARA

Optical Media
“CDs and DVDs”, NARA

Spanish and other translations of presentations are available in the CAW Handbook Resources