CAW TOT Trainers Notes Webinar 1: The Goals and Process of a CAW
CAW_TOT_CUR_Web_1_Trainers_Notes Trainers Notes for Webinar 1 of the Community Archiving Workshop Training of Trainers, CAW_TOT_CUR.pdf, 2022.
CAW_TOT_CUR_Web_1_Trainers_Notes Trainers Notes for Webinar 1 of the Community Archiving Workshop Training of Trainers, CAW_TOT_CUR.pdf, 2022.
CAW_TOT_CUR_Particip_InfoThis document collects names, affiliations, training strengths/needs, and take-aways on the CAW model from trainees at the start of a CAW TOT. From Community Archiving Workshop Training of Trainers Curriculum, CAW_TOT_CUR.pdf, 2022.
CAW_TOT_CUR_Full_AgendaThis agenda contains the agreed-upon dates, times, and locations for a CAW TOT. From Community Archiving Workshop Training of Trainers Curriculum, CAW_TOT_CUR.pdf, 2022.
CAW_TOT_CUR_Proposed_SchedThis schedule is a training overview that is shared with the trainee team during the initial planning for a CAW TOT. From Community Archiving Workshop Training of Trainers Curriculum, 2022.
A pdf that contains the full curriculum for the Community Archiving Workshop Training of Trainers (CAW TOT), v. 2022. This curriculum is a roadmap for trainers to educate new CAW organizers, covering all aspects of CAW planning, practice carrying out…