CAW provides an unique opportunity to learn while processing. During the day there are many teachable moments.
- After the briefing attendees disperse to the different workstations to begin processing collection materials.
- At each workstation the workstation lead will brief the group in more detail as well as handout any reference guides, worksheets, and inventory forms needed for the station.
- As the group begins processing the workstation lead and more experienced attendees will provide guidance and suggestions to improve the workflow.
- The following is a list of sample documents that demonstrate the various workflows and activities performed within workshop workstations:
- Film Workstation Report 2016 : Kelli Hix, core CAW member, produced this report of the activities, workflow, and output for the David Newell film workstation at the Pittsburgh CAW in 2016.
- Video Tape Inspection Guidelines: Moriah Ulinskas, core CAW member, developed this document to outline the videotape inspection workflow.
- Instructions for DVD processing: Sandra Yates, core CAW member, developed this workflow for the Pittsburgh CAW in 2016. It details the steps for processing the City of Asylum DVD collection.
- Generic Item Description and Condition form: a variation of this form has been modified for several workshops since 2013. Workstation leads can use it to introduce participants to the basics of film and video inspection. It can be used as a worksheet to inventory collection items, and when paired with a web or database form (such as Google Forms), it facilitates data entry.