June 2016 – Santiago, Chile. The CAW was organized by members of Audiovisual Preservation Exchange (APEX), a program of New York University (NYU). APEX Santiago was organized with the community media center Señal Tres La Victoria and the Biblioteca Nacional de Chile. Key organizers for the CAW were Caroline Gil, Rob Anen and Valeria Guerrero.
The CAW was held at the Señal Tres La Victoria and involved NYU faculty, graduates, and students from NYU, the University of Southern California Los Angeles (UCLA), the University of Wisconsin at Madison, the University of Texas at Austin, the Universidad de Chile, along with staff from the Biblioteca and community volunteers/experts. The team inspected, inventoried and re-boxed 204 ¾” U-Matic videos from the collection of the prominent independent videomaker and journalist Pablo Salas.
Watch a video about the CAW created by Michael Pazmino for APEX Santiago here.