Category Southwest
Webinar 2: Inspection and Inventory
A detailed inventory of a thoroughly inspected audiovisual collection is a key component in preservation planning. Inspection and inventory helps you identify the greatest physical risks in your collection, some of the most valuable content, and allows you to begin…
Welcome Packet: CAW Southwest IMLS Cohort
Welcome to the CAW Southwest Project! This welcome packet goes over the main objectives of the project.
Project Roadmap: CAW Southwest IMLS Cohort
This is a guide to the major milestones and training webinars for the CAW Southwest cohort.
Southwest Cohort
Huhugam Heritage Center-Gila River Indian Community Part of our mission at HHC is not only preserving prehistoric and historic material in our collections and archives but being a resource primarily for the Community through providing a space for cultural events,…
Webinar 1: The Basics of Identifying and Assessing Analog Media w/ Kelli Hix
In this webinar, you will learn to identify some of the most common audiovisual analog formats. Participants will gain a foundational understanding of the history of major formats, signs of decay, and how to properly store materials. There will be…
CAW Training Kits
CAW is creating “training kits” in order to deliver training to cohort members. Containing a diverse selection of audiovisual formats, and some basic inspection tools, the “training kits” will allow participants to handle and inspect media during training webinars. “Hands-on”…