Plan to set up the room at least a day in advance of the workshop. Designate areas for each station — initial triage, inspection, and rehousing/cataloging. While the exact layout of the room can vary, keep in mind:
- Since materials will move from Triage to Inspection to Rehousing/Cataloging, the stations should be organized in this order.
- Stations will not work at the same pace. There should be extra table space at each station to pile up materials waiting to be triaged/ inspected/ cataloged.
- There should also be an area to pile completed materials.
- There should be enough space for trainers and volunteers to work together in pairs.
- Library carts are great for moving materials from one station to another.
- It may be helpful to put up posters with guidelines near the stations for volunteers’ easy reference.
- If catalogers are using laptops, they may need access to power outlets.

More about the CAW at the Austin History Center.