The Midwest

Community Archiving Workshop – A Regional Training of Trainers: Midwest Region
The midwest region of the IMLS-funded Regional Training of Trainers project focuses its work on the audiovisual needs of Wisconsin-based museums, archives, libraries and cultural centers. For this purpose, the anchor site for the Midwest workshops is Recollection Wisconsin, a consortium administered by WiLS. Recollection Wisconsin works to bring together digital cultural heritage resources from Wisconsin cultural institutions on their website, which feeds into the Digital Public Library of America (DPLA).

Community Archiving Workshop

Midwest Workshop Schedule

Dates: July 24- 26, 2019: Training of Trainers Workshop
Location: University of Wisconsin, Madison, Information School and University Archives

Fall 2019/Spring 2020 (TBD): Community Archiving Workshop, Milwaukee Public Museum, Milwaukee

Fall 2019/Spring 2020 (TBD): Community Archiving Workshop, Outagamie Historical Society, Appleton

October 2019 (TBD): Community Archiving Workshop, UW-Eau Claire Special Collections, Eau Claire

Midwest Documentation, Agendas, and Resources


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Association of Moving Image Archivists

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